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Showing posts with label فيس بوك. Show all posts
Showing posts with label فيس بوك. Show all posts

Jul 11, 2014

Samsung Galaxy S5 vs iPhone 6 – Best Specs and Price Comparison

   The iPhone 6 which is soon to come will be great competition for the Samsung Galaxy S5. Here we have a comparison between the two to figure out which one would actually be the best choice since both are amazing flagships for their companies.

Samsung’s Galaxy S5 is ruling the tech market right now, no other device being quite like it: the device comes with amazing specs that are just daring every other company to come with a worthy opponent. Unfortunately for Samsung, Apple is in the making of a revolutionary handset as well which will at least be as sold as Samsung. We keep hearing great news about the iPhone 6, but let’s see which one is actually better when it comes to specs and price.

The iPhone 6 has yet to be released, most people expecting Apple to release their new flagship somewhere in September or October (seeing how most of its past smartphones hit the market in that period of the year). The Samsung Galaxy S5 appeared on the market on April 11th this year, which makes it relatively new and exciting.

There is no official statement about what price tag will be on the iPhone 6, but as we know Apple, it will be most likely more expensive than the Galaxy S5. Right now, the smallest price the Samsung Galaxy S5 can be found at is $583.00. 

Samsung made this device even more affordable, seeing how the Galaxy S4, after two months of being on the market, was more expensive than is the Galaxy S5 right now.

There aren’t many leaks about the iPhone 6 will bring to the table, but we are sure that the device will come as a competition for the S5. What we can tell you is that Samsung equipped its handset with a Super AMOLED display measuring 5.1 inches and that can render a screen resolution of 1080 x 1920 pixels. The device is powered by a Krait 400 processor (quad core working at 2.5 GHz) which is paired up with a Snapdragon 801 MSM8974AC chipset from Qualcomm. The Galaxy S5 can be purchased with two options of internal storage: 16 GB and 32 GB (by using a microSD card, you can expand this memory by up to 128 GB).

 The battery unit housed on this smartphone has a capacity of 2800 mAh which is estimated to last 21 hours of talking time.

 Other interesting features that Samsung brought with this device are the fingerprint scanner and the heart-beat sensor.

 The iPhone 6 does promise to come with revolutionary technology, so we’ll just have to wait to see if it is a match for the South Korean flagship.

The operating system is also an aspect we have to cover.

Considering that the Android 5.0 Lollipop OS was just released by Google and it was not available in April, the Galaxy S5 does come with the best option of operating system: the Android KitKat. We are sure that Samsung will make available an upgrade to the new OS. As for the iPhone 6, this one will probably have iOS 8.

Now, since we don’t have full details about the iPhone 6, we have to say that the Samsung Galaxy S5 can still enjoy its success because it is an exquisite smartphone. If you’re patient enough to wait for the iPhone 6, Apple’s device is probably excellent as well, so it’s just a matter of taste which one you choose.

A company wants you to experiment on Facebook — by quitting

   Reaction to Facebook’s controversial mood manipulation study dominated headlines for a week. Lawmakers called for an investigation. Governments did, too. Consumer groups filed complaints. And of course, users threatened to leave.
Now, a Dutch nonprofit initiative is calling on users to conduct their own Facebook mood experiment by quitting the site for 99 days and taking periodic happiness surveys to see whether they’re better off without it.
The “99 Days of Freedom” initiative was dreamed up by employees at Just B.V., a creative agency in the Netherlands. It started as an office joke.
“Like a lot of Facebook users, many of us were bothered by reports of secret mood experiments,” Just’s art director, Merijn Straathof, said in a press release. “As we discussed it internally, we noted an interesting tendency: To a person, everyone had at least a ‘complicated’ relationship with Facebook. Whether it was being tagged in unflattering photos, getting into arguments with other users or simply regretting time lost through excessive use, there was a surprising degree of negative sentiment. Then someone joked, ‘I guess that the real question is, ‘How do you feel when you don’t use Facebook?’ There was group laughter, followed by, ‘Wait a second. That’s a really good question!”
Just chose 99 days because it thought users would lose interest if the campaign ran longer and it would be hard to measure emotional change if it was shorter. Straathof stressed the goal isn’t to protest Facebook or undermine its business. “Facebook is an incredible platform, we’re all fiercely loyal users and we believe that there’s a lot to love about the service,” he said.
As of early Friday morning, more than 6,000 people had signed up for the campaign, which was announced on Wednesday. That’s barely a drop in Facebook’s billion-user bucket.
Even if the campaign called for leaving Facebook altogether, would it work? Cornell University conducted a survey which it published in 2013 showing a quarter of Facebook users take breaks from the site by deactivating their account, and one in 10 completely quit. The survey was based on responses from 410 people – not exactly representative of Facebook’s much larger user base.
However there were some interesting results. The researchers found that Facebook users who deactivate their account are more likely to know someone else who has also deactivated – perhaps a sign that if enough people get mad at Facebook, a mass exodus could occur.
But mass exodus would mean overcoming the network effect. That would be tough. People might be mad at Facebook, but it’s still the site people use to catch up with friends and family. You can’t just leave it for another site because your friends aren’t on another site – they’re on Facebook. Even if you quit Facebook, you might be using another network it owns like Instagram or What’s App.
But plenty of alternative social networks are out there – some popping up just in time to capitalize on anti-Facebook rage. Sobrr is one such Facebook alternative. In a way, it’s the anti-Facebook. Instead of tracking everything you do, the site erases everything every 24 hours.
Erasing everything is a promise we’ve heard before. Remember Snapchat’ssupposed commitment to privacy? Users were told photos and videos sent through the app would disappear within ten seconds, but it turned out they were being saved without users’ knowledge.

May 5, 2014

Facebook’s mobile ad network is shockingly unambitious

Facebook’s first real ad network has a surprisingly narrow scope. App developers will probably take to it, but other advertisers should stick with Google for now and wait for future Facebook mobile innovation.No doubt Facebook has lofty ambitions for its ad network, but its current focus is extremely limited. The company unveiled its initial plans for the Facebook Audience Network – note naming, no mention of mobile, or of apps – at its first developers’ conference in years. While it addresses some app developer needs, in its current incarnation FAN won’t re-invent mobile or social advertising, and it’s no threat to Google.
What it meansYou’d think that when Facebook finally announced an ad network, it would be a big deal. While the company is sensibly cautious about pushing ads too aggressively, this is a rare example of too much humility. And, perhaps, too much “mobile-first.” FAN is almost totally focused on app downloads, advertising for which has already propelled Facebook to the number two spot in mobile ad spending (and is a big part of its web ad business, too). But wouldn’t a cross-platform ad network, powered by Facebook’s ubiquitous log-in and Like services and targeting capabilities, better suit the company’s ambitions?
Fair enough – FAN debuted at a developers’ conference, not AdTech. And there’s plenty of hubris in Facebook’s middleware strategy to end-run mobile operating systems. Presumably, FAN is not dragging along too much leftover legacy technology from Facebook’s Atlas purchase. Still, while I’m tempted to say “Audience Network” may be a hint of bigger things to come, I’ve got to point out that its nearly 2-year-old, web-focused FBX “exchange” is not a true exchange yet. At least not one where advertisers can buy across a network of networks (see report).There’s a real need for what Facebook is doing. When Gigaom Research surveyed European developers as part of our EC-sponsored project to better understand the EU app economy (see report), they told us that business issues were far more challenging than technology, talent, or EU market conditions. I expect US developers would say the same. Only 16 percent of EU developers said they were “very satisfied” at achieving their business objectives. Nearly half (44 percent) were trying to make money charging for the apps themselves or in-app charges (30 percent), while less than a third (31 percent) sold ads. App discovery and promotion frustrates them, or costs too much.

Facebook mobile ad network could help with app discovery, monetization

Top business and financial challenges for EU apps
Source: Gigaom Research EU independent developers survey, 4Q2013 N = 197

Whom it affects

Apps developers should appreciate FAN for the reasons above, although Facebook isn’t telling how it will share ad revenue, and it will take some time to see how ad pricing will shake out.

Google has little to worry about, at least not from Facebook. It’s far and away the leader in mobile advertising, though that’s primarily based on mobile search spending. But Google has a much broader collection of mobile ad offerings: budding location targeting, click-to-call, a mobile network suitable for both brand advertising and direct marketing, and YouTube mobile video. Big advertisers can run campaigns across mobile and web, and tie in display and search. Google’s problem is one of internal comparisons: mobile search clicks are less valuable than web-based ones. That’s the opposite of Facebook, whose increasing prices for mobile are more a reflection of how low its web CPMs are.Apple has never shown itself to be serious about selling advertising, and FAN could emerge as a viable alternative in app discovery and distribution. I’ve always been baffled why a developer can’t buy promotion in the App Store. It’s not payola, it’s paid search. Apple must respond.Other mobile app ad networks should be relieved that Facebook is focusing on app downloads and dabbling in other interactivity options. Geo-targeting, search integration, click-to-call, offers and referrals, video – there’s lots of open mobile turf.Brands and other advertisers should observe how FAN works for app developers, and see if Facebook learns anything about other interactions. But FAN doesn’t offer them much right now if they don’t have apps.

Apr 20, 2014

Facebook plans to share Nearby Friends location data with advertisers

Facebook has confirmed the data mined through the new Nearby Friends feature may one day be used for advertising and marketing purporses
The new tool, which is rolling out to iOS and Android apps in the coming weeks, allows users to share their location with select friends enabling pals to detect when they're in the locale and arrange meet ups offline.
At the time of the announcement on Thursday, Facebook made no mention of sharing the data with advertisers, which would have no doubt coloured the reaction to the feature.
Belatedly, a Facebook spokesperson has confirmed toTechCrunch: "At this time it's not being used for advertising or marketing, but in the future it will be."
Facebook is pitching the tool as a valuable new feature for users. It sends occasional notifications informing them how often friends, who've also agreed to be seen, are in the locale.
It will also follow users on their travels, allowing friends to pitch in with suggestions or recommendations wherever they roam around the world.
Knowing the end goal may be (or always was?) geared towards targeted advertisements may see some users change their views on the feature.
Will you be switching on Nearby Friends when it hits your smartphone? Let us know your thoughts below.

Tracking your travels

Apr 7, 2014

كيف تقوم بإزالة الشكل الجديد للفيسبوك 2014

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
كما هو معروف قبل شهر تقريبا قامت إدارة الفيسبوك من جديد بتغييير شكل الشبكة الإجتماعية إلى ثوب جديد لم يرق ولم يعجب كثييرون من المستخدمين ، يتميز بخصائص عديدة مغايرة تماما لما كان عليه قبل ، حيث تم تغيير الخلفية و تكبيير خط المواضيع التي يتم طرحها  ..إلخ .
وفي العادة عندما يتم التغيير على الفيسبوك تظهر بعد مدة قصيرة مجموعة من  التطبيقات عبارة عن سكريبتات نقوم بإضافتها إلى المتصفح حتى نستطيع استرجاع الشكل القديم ، وهو الأمر الذي سوف نتعرف عليه في هذه التدوينة ، حيث ظهرت مجموعة من التطبيقات
ولهدا سوف اقدم لكم اليوم احبابي في الله تطبيقان .
  الاول:  oldnewsfeed يضاف إلى متصفحات غوغل كروم وفايرفوكس وسفاري ثم أنترنت إكسبلورر يجعلك            تتصفح الفيسبوك بثوبه القديم ، وهكذا يمكنك التغلب على هذه المشكلة وإلغاء الشكل الجديد 2014 الدي لا            يروق معظم مستخدمي الفايسبوك
           بعد الدخول الي رابط التطبيق اختر المتصفح الدي تستخدمه تم اضغط علي تنزيل التطبيق تم الانتظار حتي            يتم تحميله ومن بعد توجه نحو برفايلك الخاص واعمل له تحديت و يمكنك في تلك اللحظة الاستمتاع                    بالشكل القديم 

رابط موقع التطبيق     من هنا

التاني: socialRevirer وينطبق عليه ما دكرته سابقا بحيت ان كل ما عليك سوي التوجه الي الموقع الدي ساضع
        رابطه في الاسفل تم الضغط علي تنزيل تم السكريبت تم الانتظار حتي يتم التنزيل ومن بعدها تحديت ا                 البروفايل الخاص بك في الفايسبوك ومبروك عليك الشكل القديم  

رابط موقع التطبيق    من هنا
                     ولمن واجهته اي مشكلة فليطرحها في تعليق وسنكون سعداء بالاجابة عليها

Apr 5, 2014

توصل بإشعار على حسابك في الفيس بوك في حالة إذا قام أحد اصدقائك بحدفك

السلام عليكم في هذه التدوينة الجديدة سنتطرق فيها إلى معرفة من قام بحذفك من قائمة الاصدقاء فيسبوك ، حيث يمكنك التوصل بإشعار  على متصفحك Google chorme او Firefox في حالة إذا قام شخص بحذفك من قائمة اصدقائه على حسابك في فيس بوك .
ومن اجل التوصل بإشعار في حالة قام احدهم بحذفك يكفي ان تقوم بتحميل إضافة Unfirend Notify لمتصفح جوجل كروم اوفايرفوكس عن طريق ولوج موقع  fbfriendcheck

تم بعد ذلك إختر نوعية متصفحك من خلال  القائمة other browser  تم بعد ذلك في الاسفل انقر على Activate باللون الاخضر ليتم تحويلك إلى صفحة التتبيث . 

عد تتبيث الاضافة يكفي ان تذهب إلى قائمة اصدقائك على الفيسبوك ستجد إضافة جديدة إسمها
Lost friends  جرب من هنا
وهي تعبر عن عدد الاصدقاء الذين قاموا بحذفك مع بروفايلاتهم ، طبعا الإضافة بعد تتبيثها فلن تظهر عدد الاصدقاء الذين قاموا بحذفك إلا بعد حذفهم لك والإضافة موجودة على حسابك .

Apr 1, 2014

فيسبوك يطلق لغة برمجة جديد بإسم HACK

طبعا لا لأن لغة  هي أساس أي موقع وستبقى تطور عاما بعد عام ولكن اللغة الجديدة   فهي لغة خاصة بفيسبوك يعني لا توجد بها تغرات أو أي شيء لكي ي
لقد أطلقت شركة فيسبوك الشبكة الشهيرة للتواصل الإجتماعي لغة برمجة جديدة بإسم HACK من أجل الآلة الافتراضية للمترجم HipHop أو HHVM كما يمكنها التعامل بسهولة مع لغة PHP الشهيرة الأن لنر الفرق بينها و بين لغة PHP من خلال هده الصورة

كما رئينا ليس هناك تغير كبير فقط في وسم البداية كما نعلم أن لغة PHP  تبدء بوسم <?php لكن لغة  تبدء بوسم <?hh  كما قد أطلقت شركة فيسبوك موقع لتعلم هده اللغة ولمساعدة المطورين عليها
ولكن السؤال المطروح الأن هل هده هي نهاية لغة PHP و هل ستعوض بلغة HACK  ؟
طبعا لا لأن لغة  هي أساس أي موقع وستبقى تطور عاما بعد عام ولكن اللغة الجديدة   فهي لغة خاصة بفيسبوك يعني لا توجد بها تغرات أو أي شيء لكي يتحدو الهاكر

Mar 9, 2014

Facebook's WhatsApp Purchase Challenged: Privacy Advocates Ask FTC to Put Deal on Hold

Facebook's $19 billion purchase of WhatsApp may not be signed and sealed just yet, as privacy advocates have asked the Federal Trade Commission to put the deal on hold.According to Reuters, some are skeptical of the acquisition and want Facebook to be more transparent about how they intend to use WhatsApp's messaging service. Facebook already has a popular mobile messaging app, but WhatsApp has 450 million users worldwide.WhatsApp has also committed themselves to not gather data from its users to use in advertising, something Facebook does freely. If Facebook's purchase is completed, WhatsApp's commitment will likely end.Although it is not entirely clear, Facebook has one obvious purpose for acquiring a messaging service used worldwide. Facebook is a leading backer of, a project that aims to provide an Internet signal for the five billion people in the world without one. Even with a slight signal, WhatsApp could provide means of communication to every person on the planet.Facebook also purchased a drone-making company, which is more than likely to aid the project."As we have said repeatedly, WhatsApp will operate as a separate company and will honor its commitments to privacy and security," Facebook said in a statement.The group of privacy advocates, the Electronic Privacy Information Center, filed with both the FTC and the Center for Digital Democracy, both non-profits. Neither commented on the filing.According to Bloomberg News, the complaint centered around the fact that Facebook freely uses user data for advertising, a practice WhatsApp strictly avoids."Facebook routinely makes use of user information for advertising purposes and has made clear that it intends to incorporate the data of WhatsApp users into the user profiling business model," the document read. "The proposed acquisition will therefore violate WhatsApp users' understanding of their exposure to online advertising and constitutes an unfair and deceptive trade practice, subject to investigation by the Federal Trade Commission."But Facebook maintains they do not intend to change anything about WhatsApp."Facebook's goal is to bring more connectivity and utility to the world by delivering core Internet services efficiently and affordably - this partnership will help make that happen," the social network's statement read.

Feb 20, 2014

فيسبُوك يشتري الواتساب Facebook buy WhatsApp

أطلقَ مارد التواصل الاجتماعِي "فيسبُوك"، جماحهُ بعيدًا، حينَ أعلنَ في وقت متأخر مساء الأربعاء، عن شرائهِ خدمَة "الواتساب، فِي أكبرِ صفقة يجريهَا، حتى اليوم، بثمن بلغَ 16 مليار دولار، منهيًا التكهنات التِي راجتْ حول استعار المنافسة بينه وبين جوجل للظفر بالخدمَة، منذ ما يقربُ العامين.
الملايير الستة عشر التِي قررَ أنْ يشترِي بها مارك زوكربرغ، خدمَة الواتساب، سيدفعُ منه أربعَة ملايير نقدًا، في حين ستبقى 12 مليارًا المتبقيَة فِي أسهم "فيسبوك"، فيما يبقًا راجحًا أنْ يحول "فيسبوك" 3 ملايين إضافيَّة إلى أسهم مؤسسي ومستخدمي "الواتساب"، وهو ما يرشحَ كلفة الصفقة، للارتفاع لبلوغ 19 مليار دولار، إجمالًا.
"الواتساب يتجهُ نحو تأمين الاتصال لدَى مليار شخص، والخدمات التي تبلغ هذا المستوى تنالُ قيمةً لا تتصور"، يقول المدير العام لفيسبوك، مارك زوكربرغ، مستطردًا أنَّه عرفتجان كوم ، أحد مؤسسي الـ WhatsApp لفترة ليست بالقصيرة، وأنه ذو حماس للدخول معه في شراكة، معه ومع فريقه بغية جعل الأفراد أكثر انفتاحا واتصالاً عبر العالم".
إلى ذلك، يقدر عدد مستخدمِي "الواتساب بـ450 مليون شخص شهريًّا، 70 في المائة ينشطُون عبره، بشكلٍ يومي، ويفتحُ أكثر من مليون منهم حساباتهم، بصورة يوميَّة أيضًا، كما أنَّ عدد الرسائل التِي يتمُّ إرسالها من خلاله، تضاهِي عدد الحجم الكامل للرسائل الهاتفيَّة القصيرة التِي يبعثُ بها الأفراد عبر جميع شركات الاتصالات في العالم".
في غضون ذلك، بدَا المستثمرون أقلَّ حماسًا في بورصة "نيويورك"، حيث أنَّ سهم فيسبوك هبط بـ4.50 في المائة إلى 65 دولارًا، مع الحادية عشرة ليلًا بتوقيت باريس، وذلك برسم المبادلات الإلكترونيَّة مع نهاية العرض الرسمي، فيما سيكون الفيسبوك، مجبرًا على أنْ يدفعَ رسومًا تبلغُ مليار دولار للواتساب، إنْ هي الصفقة لم تتم.

Dec 14, 2013

هل تظن أن بامكنك حذف صورك نهائيًا من الفيس بوك ؟

هل تظن أنه يمكنك حذف صورك نهائيًا من الفيس بوك؟ إن كنت تظن ذلك حقًا فمن المؤسف حقًا أن تعلم أن الفيس بوك قد يحتفظ بصورك لسنين طوال حتى و إن حذفت الصور نهائيًا تظل الصور على سيرفر الفيس بوك إلا أن يشاء الله و يتم حذفها و هذا إن حدث!!
ما حدث هو أن الموقع التقني الشهير 
كتب مقالة ليستعرض بها مدي الخصوصية التي يقدمها الفيس بوك بالفعل! و كان أحد العاملين على الموقع قد حذف مجموعة من الصور تعود إلى شهر مايو 2009 أي مدة قدرها أكبر من سنة و تحديدًا 16 شهر، و يالهول المفاجأة عندما تحذف صورة من سنة أو أكثر و تأتي لتدخل على الرابط المباشر لهذه الصورة و تجدها تعمل! سيتسمر لسانك عن الكلام لأن تلك الصورة التي هي من سنة ما زالت على سيرفرات الفيس بوك و الأدهى أنها يمكن الوصول إليها مباشرة كل ما تحتاجه هو الرابط المباشر للصورة!
عندما راسل الموقع فريق الفيس بوك في العام 2009 بشأن هذا الأمر قالوا لهم أن الصور لا يمكن الوصول إليها حتى و إن كانت على خوادم الفيس بوك و هذا طبعا غير صحيح لأنه يكفيك وصلة أو رابط الصورة و يمكنك أن تعرضها أين ما تشاء! و حتى الآن لا يعترف الفيس بوك بأنه يمكنك عرض الصور مباشرة من الناحية الفنية و قالوا أن الصور تبقى لبعض الوقت في ذاكرة التخزين المؤقتة أو العشوائية إلى حين حذفها نهائيًا، و أنهم يعملون حاليًا على تقليل مدة بقاء الصور في ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت. السؤال الحقيقي هنا كم مدة التخزين المؤقت هذه؟!
و كان موقع ars قد قام برفع صور لهم على معظم الشبكات الإجتماعية و جميعهم أزالوها عند الحذف إلا الفيس بوك هو الموقع أو الشبكة الإجتماعية الوحيدة التي لم تحذفها، و يفضل أن لا تشارك بصورك الشخصية على الفيس بوك أو على الإنترنت عمومًا فيبدو أن عصر الخصوصية قد ولى!
و من بعض النماذج أيضًا بعضهم قد وضع صورة لابنه من سنتين و نصف و حتى الآن و الصورة موجودة 

Dec 11, 2013

مغربي يكتشف ثغرة بالفيسبوك Moroccan discovers a loophole on Facebook

اكتشف يافع مغربي ثغرة خطيرة بموقع الفيسبوك كانت تسمح باختراق أكبر الصفحات، الأمر الذي حذا بإدارة موقع التواصل الاجتماعي الأشهر في العالم إلى مكافأته بقدر مالي، مع إضافة اسمه في الأيام القادمة إلى لائحة الشرف الخاصة بمن يساعدون الموقع أمنيا على ضمان استمراريته في كسب ثقة المستخدمِين، حيث سيكون "حمزة فرطاسي"، وهو تلميذ، ثاني اسم مغربي يتواجد بهذه اللائحة المعروفة بـ"أصحاب القبعات البُيض" بعد أمين الشراعي.
هذه الثغرة الجديدة، وكما أكد حمزة، ابن مدينة الجديدة، كانت ستمكن بعض محرري الصفحات الفايسبوكية، من السيطرة بالكامل على الصفحة المعنية حتى ولو كانوا لا ينتمون إلى إدارتها العامة. وقد اكتشفها حمزة بالضبط في أواخر شتنبر الماضي وأشعر بها فريق الحماية الذي قام بإغلاقها في الخامس من أكتوبر، إلا أن إدارة الموقع لم تعترف بها بشكل رسمي إلا في الثاني من هذا الشهر، عندما تأكدت من أن حمزة هو المالك لحقوق اكتشاف هذه الثغرة الخطيرة.
وقال حمزة إنه راسل مراتٍ عديدة فريق الحماية بالموقع المذكور، متداولاً معهم بعض الطرق التي تسمح بزيادة جرعات الحماية في وسط إلكتروني يعج بالهاكرز، إلا أن الرد الأخير الذي توصل به من لدنهم، أكد له تحقيقه لإنجاز مشرف، بعدما صنف فريق الحماية هذه الثغرة بكونها على درجة بالغة من الخطورة.
إنجاز حمزة أتى نتيجة مجهوده في مجال البرمجة والتطوير، خاصة محاولاته المتعددة التي يساهم من خلالها في خلق فضاء آمن على الويب حسب قوله، رغم أنه لا يزال يدرس بالسنة الثانية بكالوريا علوم اقتصادية، البعيدة تماما عن مجال البرمجة والأمن المعلوماتي. إلا أنه ينوي مواصلة تعليمه فيما بعد بمجال البرمجة و تطوير الويب كي ينمي مهاراته أكثر بهذا المجال بعدَ خبرات راكمها عبر التعلم الذاتي.
وأشار حمزة إلى أنه سبق ونبه عدة صفحات مغربية على الفيس بوك إلى وجود هذه الثغرة، إلا أن البعض منهم أراد أن ينسبها لنفسه، قبل أن يأتي التأكيد من الإدارة بكونه هو صاحب هذا الإنجاز الذي سيجعل الموقع الشهير يتعامل أكثر مع المبرمجين المغاربة ويثق في كفاءتهم.
وسبق للمغربي أمين الشراعي، أن نبّه الفيس بوك، إلى ثغرة كانت تمكّن بعض المبرمجين من الدخول إلى عمق الحساب الشخصي لمُستخدِم ما، وذلك عندما يقومون بإنشاء تطبيقات (أو ما يعرف بالفرنسية application)، شبيهة بالتطبيقات التي يبتكرها الفيس بوك، لكن يبقى الغرض الوحيد منها هو السطو على المعلومات الشخصية وليس تقديم أية خدمة للمُستخدِم

Dec 1, 2013

Google employee goes on Facebook rant after cafe bans him from wearing Google Glass - and demands the manager be fired

A Seattle restaurant has chucked out a customer who refused to take off his Google Glass.
Nick Starr was at the Lost Lake Cafe in the city and was wearing the glasses, which allow users to take pictures and record audio or video, when he was asked to remove them.
After refusing to take them off, he was eventually asked to leave.
He complained about the incident on his Facebook page and suggested the restaurants' owner considers the employment of its night manager.
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Dispute: Nick Starr left a Seattle restaurant after he was ordered to remove his Google Glass
Dispute: Nick Starr left a Seattle restaurant after he was ordered to remove his Google Glass
'She tells me that the owner's other restaurant doesn't allow Google Glass and that I would have to either put it away or leave,' he wrote.
'I asked to see where it was policy for Glass to be disallowed at Lost Lake. She said she couldn't provide any and when asked to speak with management she stated she was the night manager.'
Starr says he's eaten at Lost Lake with his $1,500 headset before and asked to see where the restaurant's anti-Glass policy was posted. He and his specs eventually left.
The episode has raised the debate about how invasive the gadget is.
After refusing to remove the glasses, Starr and his boyfriend left the venue.
He vented on his Facebook post, demanding an apology from the restaurant and calling for the woman's termination.
He added that he thought it was bizarre that the restaurant asked customers to shares images on social networking sites of their experiences there, but banned the Glass.
Scene: The manager at the Lost Lake Cafe asked him to remove the glasses in accordance with their policy
Scene: The manager at the Lost Lake Cafe asked him to remove the glasses in accordance with their policy

Anger: Restaurant owner David Meinert, pictured, said he thought the glasses were invasive
Anger: Restaurant owner David Meinert, pictured, said he thought the glasses were invasive

The Lost Lake Cafe has refused to apologize, saying that they have other customers' interests in mind. They shot back at Starr with their own Facebook post, outlining its policy.
'We recently had to ask a rude customer to leave because of their insistence on wearing and operating Google Glasses inside the restaurant,' the statement said.
'We kindly ask our customers to refrain from wearing and operating Google Glasses inside Lost Lake. We also ask that you not videotape anyone using any other sort of technology.
'If you do wear your Google Glasses inside, or film or photograph people without their permission, you will be asked to stop, or leave. And if we ask you to leave, for God's sake, don't start yelling about your 'rights'. Just shut up and get out before you make things worse.'
Night out: Starr was out with his boyfriend, Brian (left), when they were approached by the manager
Night out: Starr was out with his boyfriend, Brian (left), when they were approached by the manager

Fan: Starr said he wears the glasses everywhere and argued you can also take pictures with cell phones
Fan: Starr said he wears the glasses everywhere and argued you can also take pictures with cell phones

Owner David Meinert, who banned Google Glass at another one of his restaurants earlier this year, said he felt uneasy about the device.
'I think they're invasive and they make people uncomfortable,' he told KOMO News. 'More than that they make me uncomfortable, and it's my place.'
But Starr countered that he believes Google Glass is no more intrusive than cell phones with cameras that are also capable of taking images.
'I think privacy is vapor now,' Starr said. 'There are cameras everywhere. There are recording devices everywhere.'
'I would love an explanation, apology, clarification, and if the staff member was in the wrong and lost the owner money last night and also future income as well, that this income be deducted from her pay or her termination.'
Take it off or get out: Seattle may be home for tech giants Amazon and Microsoft, but Google Glass isn't welcome in one local diner
Take it off or get out: Seattle may be home for tech giants Amazon and Microsoft, but Google Glass isn't welcome in one local diner
Starr's request for the managers termination has been met with vitriol on his personal Facebook page which has remained public throughout the controversy.
'What kind of pathetic loser asks for someone to be fired because they asked him to put his toy away? What kind of overly indulged manchild throws a hissy about something so inconsequential? Grow up loser!' writes one poster.
'People like you give tech people and people in your generation a bad name. You don't have the RIGHT to use technology any way you want, anywhere you want. Maybe we need to stop worrying so much about our RIGHTS and more about doing what is right.
That woman is a real, flesh-and-blood person struggling to earn a living at an exhausting profession, who will not be able to pay her bills if she is fired. Balance that against....what? Your thwarted desire? That is low,' wrote another angry user.

Nov 24, 2013

Facebook testing modern new look for its Android app

A while back, Facebook was testing a few A/B design scenarios on its iPhone and Android apps. Some users would have a left sliding menu, others a stationary tab bar at the bottom to access notifications, menus, etc. This change became permanent when iOS 7 rolled around and Facebook updated all iPhone users to the new bottom tab menu.
The same appears to be happening on Android, as Facebook has rolled out a new version which seems to be testing a similar variance on some users’ devices. Specifically, the test build moves the most important tabs to the top of the screen, re-situating the Status, Photo and Check In buttons to the bottom. Along with the removal of the left-side sliding menu, which in its current form appears to scroll forever and has lost much of its usefulness, the new look is much simpler and flatter — more like recent Holo-designed Android apps.
The change appears to be server-side, so even if you receive the update or download the APK, Facebook controls if and when you see the changes. It’s not clear whether this is just routinized testing from within the company or if the company will roll out the new look to all Android users. Many iOS 7 apps have rid themselves of the left sliding menu specifically because they can get confused with Apple’s system-wide “back” gesture; Android suffers from no such complication, and more developers seem to be adopting the sliding “hamburger” menu across the ecosystem.

Nov 18, 2013

Google, Microsoft ramp up fight against online child pornography

In response to the alarming proliferation of photos and videos containing child pornography on the Internet, Web search giants Google and Microsoft plan to introduce measures to block the content from their search results.
The modifications will prevent more than 100,000 search terms from generating results that link to images and videos associated with child sex abuse and instead trigger a warning that the associated content is illegal. The restrictions, which apply to English-speaking countries, will be expanded to more than 150 languages in the next six months, Google Chairman Eric Schmidt wrote in an article for the Daily Mail on Sunday.
"We've listened, and in the last three months put more than 200 people to work developing new, state-of-the-art technology to tackle the problem," Schmidt wrote. "We've fine-tuned Google search to prevent links to child sexual abuse material from appearing in our results."
Once it's determined that content represents genuine abuse and not innocent bath time photos, the content is assigned a unique digital fingerprint that speeds the detection and deletion process when the images appear in Google's system, he wrote. "Microsoft deserves a lot of credit for developing and sharing its picture detection technology," Schmidt wrote. 
Engineers at YouTube have also created new technology to identify child porn videos on the video-sharing site, and the company plans to make the technology available to other Internet companies and child protection agencies, Schmidt wrote.
The effort is the result of a call to arms this summer by UK Prime Minister David Cameron, who praised the move as a "really significant step forward."
"Google and Microsoft have come a long way," he told the Daily Mail. "A recent deterrence campaign from Google led to a 20 percent drop off in people trying to find illegal content, so we know this sort of action will make a difference."
The companies have long been focused on eradicating child pornography from the Internet. Google announced plans in June to build a database of child porn images that can be shared with other tech companies, law enforcement, and charities around the world, allowing for greater collaboration toward content removal. In addition to joining the Technology Coalition, which looks at how technology can be used to end child exploitation, the search giant has also donated millions of dollars to nonprofit organizations that work for the cause.
Microsoft has also actively battled child pornography on the Web. The software giant helped develop the hashing technology for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children's PhotoDNA program. The technology is also used by other Internet companies, including Facebook.

Facebook, Still Dominant, Strives to Keep Cachet

When Evan Spiegel peered into a crystal ball to divine a future for his company, Snapchat, he did not see Facebook.
He saw something else, something much bigger — a social network that could exist on its own, outside Facebook.
Facebook is still the dominant social media service, and has been an attractive suitor for many small start-ups. And Snapchat most likely spurned Facebook partly because it thought it could fetch much more than the billions Facebook was willing to pay.
But the snub also foreshadows a possible future where Facebook is no longer the default place on the web where people go to network. The swift rise of upstarts like Snapchat in a rapidly shifting social media landscape suggests a changing reality for how — and where — people like to spend their time.
The rebuff also reveals a changing perception of Facebook in the tech industry. As the once scrappy start-up evolves into a sprawling corporation, younger companies who view themselves as disruptive do not find Facebook’s size and cushy campus as appealing. Not to mention that a lot of them are trying to provide alternatives to Facebook, which means selling to Facebook would defeat their entire purpose.
Despite the site’s primacy in the social media market, some numbers suggest that Facebook addiction has given way to Facebook fatigue, at least among some users. A study by the Pew Internet and American Life Project found that the majority of users have at one point or another taken a multiweek break from the service, citing the tedium and irrelevancy of its content. Among the crucial younger demographic — users ages 18 to 29 — that first propelled Facebook into prominence, 38 percent said they expected to spend less time using the site this year.
The survey confirmed what some at the company already knew. In its latest quarterly call with investors, Facebook said the youngest users were spending less time on the service, although overall teenage engagement was stable.
That fatigue may also have started to trickle down to the developers who build apps on top of Facebook’s platform.
The company’s business depends on the working relationships with those developers. In its early years, Facebook carefully courted app developers like game makers, including Zynga, for example. But it later changed its rules to make it harder for apps to go viral. More recently, though, it is trying to lure developers back with more favorable terms.
At an invitation-only mobile developers conference at Facebook on Thursday, the day after reports emerged that Snapchat had rejected its offer, Facebook product managers pushed mobile developers to incorporate Graph Search, the company’s new social search feature, into their products, which would help it spread its tendrils.
Facebook also pushed them to incorporate tools from Parse, a start-up it acquired for a reported $85 million this year, which provides back-end resources like analytics for mobile apps.
But some developers, who declined to be named because they work with Facebook, said the pitch was unusually aggressive, especially compared with a similar event for mobile developers at Google earlier in the week, and made them less inclined to want to collaborate with Facebook.
For any company as large as Facebook, finding new sources of growth is a challenge. Executives there have used acquisitions large and small to help promote that growth. Being able to identify potential targets — and acquire them quickly and affordably — is important for its continued success.
Facebook has had a sharp eye for emerging companies that have succeeded in areas it is eager to enter, like Instagram, the photo-sharing app it bought in 2012 for about $1 billion after intense negotiations. The service, which had 30 million users at the time, now has more than 150 million, and this month, the first ads began appearing in users’ photo streams. In addition, the two companies were a good fit.
Instagram is largely autonomous, but it uses Facebook’s vast resources and advertising expertise while helping its parent company understand how photos and video are changing social networks.
“Facebook and Instagram are spiritual brothers,” said Sam Altman, a tech entrepreneur. “They are motivated by the same things and that is why it worked out so well.”
Facebook’s recent $120 million purchase of the Israeli mobile software company Onavo also fits squarely into its plans for the future. Onavo gave Facebook important technology as well as vital information on how competing apps are being used on iPhones and Android devices.
Other deals have not worked out so well, whether because of a lack of simpatico or something else. 
 “The gap between the billion-dollar valuation companies and the people who are trying to do something fresh and new is growing,” said Frédéric della Faille, the founder of Frontback, an up-and-coming social sharing application. “Money is not the only goal. Do you need an enormous amount of money to be happy, or are you content to go along with the ride?” 

Recently, Facebook failed to acquire Waze, a crowdsourced mapping service for drivers that provides real-time traffic and route updates.
Discussions dragged on for weeks with little progress, according to two people with knowledge of the talks who declined to be named because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the matter. When an agreement that gave Facebook exclusive negotiating rights expired, Google snatched up Waze for about $1 billion.
As for Snapchat, its compatibility with Facebook is unclear. Snapchat is centered on impermanence and offers privacy and anonymity. Facebook constantly pushes users to share more and is rooted in real-world identities and creating a permanent, largely public record of people’s daily lives and interactions.
Given these differences, the Snapchat bid looks like an attempt to corral back some of the cool factor in the form of young eyeballs. Three years ago, Snapchat did not even exist, and Facebook, with a valuation of $100 billion before its public offering, was the hot company. Now with younger users preferring Snapchat — which says it processes nearly as many photos as Facebook each day — Snapchat may well have the upper hand.
“It’s head-scratching,” said Christopher Poole, 25, the founder of 4chan, the message board. “From a business perspective, I understand it. But from a cultural perspective, it’s like, ‘Wait, what?’ ”
Mr. Poole said Facebook’s aggressive pursuit of Snapchat may point to an identity crisis of sorts.
“Does that mean that they’re willing to embrace an alternative to Facebook identity, or does it mean that they feel that threatened by it that they’d leave their own wheelhouse?

Nov 14, 2013

حماية صور الفيسبوك اون لاين

Protect Facebook Photos Online

the answer to your doubt is It can't stop them the spammers and bad people from using your images but you can stop to some extent. Because most of the spammers want bulk amount of images downloaded which are not watermarked and then use them for their work,as they don't want to waste time on editing your images!. This way we can stop the spammers from using the images to some extent.  Here we are going to show you how to watermark your Facebook images with DMCA
DMCA is the short-form of Digital Millennium Copyright Act. DMCA helps the original copyrighted holder to protect their work from being  used by the other people.The work can include blog content, videos, pictures, websites, games. DMCA also lets you to file a case in complete legal way against those who copied your work!

  First register an account with DMCA from Here.

 After completion of registration Facebook watermark tool from Here. Now Authorize DMCA to get the images from your Facebook profile by clicking on "Get Facebook Albums'

After grating the access to get the images, select the albums from dropbox menu.

 Hit on Watermark this Album.and you are done. that's it all your images will be watermarked with DMCA logo. In order to remove the DMCA logo and add your own logo you need to upgrade your plan to monthly to yearly.

Facebook users locked out if credentials are shared with Adobe account

That is the subject of a notification some Facebook users will be seeing if the credentials for their social media account are the same as their recently compromised Adobe account. The body of the message reads:
“Recently, there was a security incident on another website unrelated to Facebook. Facebook was not directly affected by the incident, but your Facebook account is at risk because you were using the same password in both places. To secure your account, you'll need to answer a few questions and change your password. For your protection, no one can see you on Facebook until you finish.”
Ammon Bartram, a software engineer, recently told the New York Times that it is “disturbing” how many people used the same password for their Adobe account as they did for their email address, Facebook account, bank account and garage code. He added that tens of thousands used “same as my Facebook password” or “same as my bank password” as a reminder hint.
In the beginning of October, Adobe began warning customers that their accounts were breached and their credit card information had been compromised. The intruders were also said to have stolen product source code.
At the end of October, Adobe revealed that the number of impacted customers had skyrocketed to about 38 million from the roughly three million it announced weeks prior. Security firm Stricture Consulting Group analyzed the hashed passwords and revealed that nearly two million Adobe accounts had ‘123456' as a password.

Nov 10, 2013

Microsoft and Facebook announce bug bounty

Microsoft and Facebook under the auspices of HackerOne have announced a bug bounty program for the key applications that power the Internet.  The bounty covers a wide range of applications from the sandboxes in popular browsers to the programming languages that power the LAMP stack, php, Perl, Ruby and Rails, to the the web servers that serve up the content, nginx and apache and others.  Bounties for a successful vulnerability report are from a few hundred dollars to a couple of thousand.
I have, in the past, been on the fence over the value of bug bounties.  But the recent spate of zero-day attacks have made me rethink this stance.  It is clear that we need to find a way to reduce the number of vulnerabilities in software as early in the software development cycle as possible.  I come from a software development background and am painfully aware of how difficult it is to avoid making mistakes in coding, and testing can never exercise all possible ways an application can be abused.  I was once of the belief that code coverage tools and dynamic and static analysis tools would close that gap somewhat, but what tools do exist have not met expectations.
Until the unlikely day comes that we can ensure applications are deployed without vulnerabilities perhaps the best we can achieve are bug bounties to help stay a bit ahead of the bad guys.