You might be surprised many of the users of social network Facebook from the process of closing their accounts and request identity card for his without any reason call for it, research that most users may not baptize a violation of policy to use Facebook, etc. Many of the accounts are stopped on a daily basis, that's because the company suspect that to be spam accounts, which are accounts used by some individuals in a variety of publishing links or suspicious activities, prompting Facebook to closure management and ask for confirmation of identity.
For this in this post I'll show you a simple way through which sure if your company's Facebook ID , or ID . Where in the case that the account ID no fear, you have to be closing, Oh God, in one case, which in the case of breakthrough, as the Facebook management has deliberately closing and requested identification card in order to prevent hacker access to your account. As for the definition of the account remains you have to add your telephone number as we shall see in this explanation.
The first thing is enter in the link Developers then click on Get Acess token, will emerge depleted Click the on Extended Premissions been Click again on the Read_insights then click on Get Acess Token where you are asked to allow the application to read your data please feel free.
After finishing at the far left of the page you will find a sign (+) directly beneath the word name click on them has been assigned from the list Select verified click the submit button top right if you see true speech to verified, it means that your account ID, either did not display my, it means that your ID and you should know by adding your dial your number.
To adda phone numbertoyourFacebookaccountin order todefineclick onMobilethentypeyour phone numberand wait foranactivationcodeafter reachingitstypeitintheboxthatasks you toenteracode.Thus,youmayknowthe account.