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Nov 25, 2013

Apple buys PrimeSense for about $350 million

Apple Inc paid about $350 million to acquire PrimeSense, an Israeli start-up that developed the motion-sensing technology in Microsoft's Xbox video game console.
"We can confirm the deal with Apple," Jennifer Kite-Powell, a spokeswoman for PrimeSense, said in a statement. She declined to comment further. An Apple spokesman did not immediately return an email seeking comment Monday.
The deal suggests that Apple is interested in incorporating motion-sensing technology into its own products in the future. When the company purchased finger-print sensor company AuthenTec in 2012, the technology appeared in the latest iPhone 5s just over a year later.
PrimeSense, founded in 2005 by Aviad Maizels, Alexander Shpunt, Ophir Sharon, Tamir Berliner and Dima Rais, made the 3D camera sensor chips that went in the Kinect motion-sensing system of the Xbox 360 in 2010.
The company's technology is in many other digital devices - over 24 million - and lets the gadgets monitor a scene and spot things like people's bodies, movements and gestures, furniture and walls.

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